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Partnering for growth

"Our partnership with Simetric is not just a testament to our team's dedication and innovation but also a clear signal that the future of connectivity is here. We will finally be able to provide enhanced connectivity, flexibility, and security for users that has been lacking with eSIM technology before." - Jim Hudgens, CTO, Simplex Wireless

One of the interesting trends in IOT and 5G communications is the rise of eSIM technology into actual devices and systems, which is introducing a whole new set of capabilities and functions to headless IOT devices, enabling carrier switching on the fly and greater granular service control for the operator.

Simetric partnered with Simplex Wireless as a way to begin embedding approaches to eSIM platforms into the overall "single pane of glass" model that Simetric brings. It's a key start to a next way of differentiated growth in the carrier management space and a partnership I'm excited about, both for the value that Simplex Wireless brings to the eSIM model, but also because I can see a wave of material, industry impacting partnerships coming for Simetric on the heels of this new partnership.



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